Does Winter Require Reapplying Sunscreen?


A widespread misperception that sunscreen is only a summertime necessity is perpetuated as winter shrouds the globe in icy landscapes. We dispel the myth and discuss the significance of year-round sun protection in this blog. Even if winter brings colder weather, UV radiation from the sun can still have a negative impact on your skin. Let's examine the reasons why reapplying sunscreen during the winter is an essential part of keeping your skin protected and healthy.

1. The Sneaky Influence of the Winter Sun:

Many people mistakenly believe that the sun's power is diminished by winter's cloudy skies and lower temperatures. However, dangerous UV rays can still damage your skin even on cloudy days. Additionally, snow can reflect these rays, making exposure worse.

2. The Sunglasses Fact Sheet:

There are two types of UV radiation: UVA and UVB. UVB rays cause sunburn, but UVA rays deeply penetrate the skin and contribute to premature ageing. Winter brings both kinds of radiation, which over time can cause cumulative damage.

3. The Need for Winter Sunscreen:

The winter sun demands the same amount of awareness as the summer sun. Pick a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 to protect your skin from UVA and UVB radiation.

- a. Formulations: 

Choose sunscreens that have additional moisturising ingredients. A moisturising sunscreen gives dual protection against UV radiation and dryness, as winter temperatures may be harsh on the skin.

- b. SPF-containing lip balm: 

Remember to keep your lips protected. Invest in an SPF-containing lip balm to protect this sensitive area from the winter sun.

4. The Snow's Reflections:

Sceneries coated with snow accentuate the effects of the sun. Snow's reflective quality increases UV exposure, which can cause sunburn and long-term skin damage. This makes using sunscreen during winter sports like snowboarding or skiing even more important.

5. Concerns About Indoor Protection:

Sunscreen is still necessary even if you spend more time indoors. Even while you're comfortably indoors, UV rays can still reach your skin through windows. Apply sunscreen every day to protect yourself from this possible risk.

6. The Value of Repeat Application:

Sunscreen application in the morning is a continuous process. Reapplication is essential, particularly if you're engaged in winter sports or spending a lot of time outside. Try to reapply every two hours, or more often if you've been in the rain or have been perspiring.

7. Using Sunscreen Every Day:

Make wearing sunscreen a regular ritual, just like you would brushing your teeth. Applying it at the end of your skincare routine will provide protection all year long.

8. Guarding Against Early Ageing

Preventing premature ageing is aided by consistent use of sunscreen. All year long, UVA rays can cause wrinkles, fine lines, and a loss of skin elasticity. You can actively counteract these ageing effects by using sunscreen.

In summary

Even when winter covers the earth in snow, solar protection doesn't stop. UV radiation never goes away, endangering the health of your skin. Accept sunscreen as an essential all-year product that will strengthen your skincare regimen and protect your skin from the winter sun's silent damage. Embracing this sun-care symphony will guarantee a robust and glowing complexion all year round.

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